About me challenge: Day 1


1. I’m a coast/region hopper. Born in California, spent 9 years in upstate new york (NOT albany, fyi), moved to gulf coast of Florida, went to school in the midwest, and now I’m back in the northeast in NYC. But next stop is north west since the school I want to go to is in Washington.

2. My life is pretty food centered. I love food, LOVE! I’m always thinking about what to eat/cook next. And honestly, more of my paycheck typically goes in my belly than in clothes, movies, shoes…anything else.

3. I want to travel the world with nothing but what I can carry. I want to do it with people I trust and who trust me and who are fun and just take thousands of pictures and journal and eat everything in our path. I want to be brave enough to do it as cheaply as possible, doing work exchanges and couch surfing, which is why I don’t want to do it alone. So here’s hoping.

4. I often feel like I’ve passed the point at which I can still be a great artist (musician/dancer) because it’s so ingrained that if you get out of college not having done something great or not part of some great organization/troupe/group/school then that’s it—but then I see people make their musical and dancing dreams come true late in life, like their 50s (for music) and see dancers still in their prime well into their late 30s and then I see women like Dianne McIntyre and Carmen de Lavallade still dancing well into late in their life. So then at 22 years I suddenly feel like a baby with her whole life ahead and I’m totally reinvigorated.

5. I’m a pack rat. I keep ticket stubs, programs, wrist bands, fliers…everything, because I love to scrapbook, even though I’m painfully behind.

6. I know that I cannot work a regular 9-5 for the rest of my life or work in really bureaucratic and/or super structured places. I am too antsy and get bored too easily AND (this is most important) I believe in midday naps which just doesn’t work in most places. SOOO I guess I’m gonna have to work for myself….oh well.

7. I would honestly go to school for everything if it didn’t cost so damn much. I have too many interests to pick just one thing.

8. I’m about at 98% positive that my life will be dedicated to the improvement of health, especially among African Americans, but through naturopathic means and exercise—no pills please

9. I still don’t know how to ride a bike…sad

10. I really love the color yellow without even realizing it (I have a lot of yellow clothing, sunflowers are my favorite) I think it’s more interesting because I’m a leo—ruled by the sun and a sign of the fire element.